The Pensblog official Teams For The EASHL
Ok, I am sort of a big guy. I admit it. But when you put the one on the right with me in the same row. I was really pissed off. I thought the plane was going to go in circles when we fucking took off.
I knew it was going to be a fucking good time whenever this is the first MO Plate I see. Fucking HAO-B4G's! (Ho Bags!)
The headquarters of some of the shittiest beer on the planet.
STL is home to Budwiser girls that take you on a tour of the factory. I personally now like Green M&M's after walking behind this for an hour.
See what I mean???
Wait girls, we didn't leave you out.
Here is a Clydesdale getting his shit worked on in front of the entire tour. (Don't worry your going to Get your sexy Penguins tomorrow.)
Home of the Rams. Preparation H Staduim.
Home of a baseball team better than the Pirates. Well I guess if you took a picture of any baseball field that would count too.
Fucking jokes.
This was just alittle shitty 1st day update. Tomorrow is the day that it counts.
Do Work and just no half ass it like the past 3 games.
Free Candy, I'm coming for your autograph!!
and the first official pics of my "Free Candy" jersey signed tomorrow!
I love it!!! I'm like the President of the United States! The people who support or team for doing good are agreeing with me. Then you got the radical assholes that have been pushed out of the party affiliation. Or, maybe I'm considered Jagr of Team PBP? Everyone loves that I play for the team but they also think I'm an asshole. So they start ripping on me.
I ask other people what they think about the other teammates and then base my decisions off of those. And, every decision has to be ran by dmbforum40 too. So, if you think that I'm the token asshole keep laying it on me... I'm not the only one. If you don't like it go suck off Dani Briere.
We are trying to spread the word of the PensBlog. (By being at the top of the leader boards.) This means not having a bunch of people fucking around. When Team PBP gets on we play to win. We usually do not become GMs and then invite our friend and then play 2 ranked games (and lose)with our friend Nick and lie about it.
Just Saying...
BTW The Hockey Season is going to start soon. And maybe this Internet bickering between us tPB readers/bloggers will calm down. This site is is for the fans of the pens. NOT immature college students that get pissed off for being a dick to everyone. Yes, we are all dicks from time to time. But if you being a stupid dick the whole time and fucking with other people you are going to be dealt with.
Mr Pockets 12 & JoshFX you two might be called up soon. After I talk to the other GM of course.
Cjr1688, Ruffio Ruffio, and cjr1688's friend Nicksomethingwhocares. (I usually do not like to call out names.. But, you all did it first)
So long, Tata, Get over it. You all were annoying.
I heard Team Good Riddance is accepting applications.
Here is their website. TeamGoodRiddanceBlog
cjr1688.. You kind of blew it whenever you came in the DR all pissed off. I accidentally deleted you from the team when I was trying to take your GM rights away. I did add you back on the team didn't I? But what-ev we caught you in a lie.
Ok, that's enough name calling for today.
If you want to make fun of me, go ahead. I always love being made fun of. Here is some of my background for you to rip on.
Live Fast & Hard
"Official" Team PBP (X360)