Here is the most updated verison.
UPDATED -9/2 1:47AM
We need the following info when you give us your stuff.
Number, position, gamertag.
UPDATED -9/2 1:47AM
We need the following info when you give us your stuff.
Number, position, gamertag.
i sent an email to you guys with my info but here it is again.
Gamertag: cdubbs029
Position: Defense
Number: 29
Tom LW BlackFlag77
Number 77
Looks like someone already has 77
I'd like to play if there's still space
Game ID: MSav71
Position: Left Wing
Number: 13
Join this group on Facebook. We organize games and other stuff trough here.
Please specify what system you are looking to play on please.
Edit: CJ Altman, gamertag: speedster18, number 18
ok, i'll take number 78 then
number 45 sorry missed it off
ps3 psn id:Wardle
Position: RW but not too picky
Number: 41
PS3 Gamertag: jagr686610
Position: LW (or any forward)
Number: 44
PS3 ID - devilwoacause22
Name: Don Madden
Number: 21
Position: LW
psn: DonMadden03
ohhh i didn't see this.
can i get #26
Position: RW
AJ RW Ajn24 sorry my number is 11
psn. XD_9
number- 5
pos. D/RW
Game ID:pitpanther01
actually I would rather play LW if thats cool.
Name: Marc Zmijowski
Gamer Id: PolishSteel77
Any forward position
Number 90
Name: Joe
Position: LW
PSN ID: umphrey1012
im already on there as mikemoj LW #9, my gametag is actually mikemojo69 i dont know why it showed up like that
Owen (Blackatom), Jaos (Jaos), and I played some games tonight and did pretty well together. Black and I are feeling good about being on a forward line together.
GT: Kova27
RW #27
But I'll play defense if need be.
Add me to the Xbox roster.
Position: rw/lw
Gamertag: gless16
Shit forgot my number,
17 or 9
number - #11
position - center
gamertag - Yinzer4Life
name - Greco
I'll take #80. Center if available. I got the demo for NHL 09... I must have played 200 3rd period-only games already.
Sorry, thats PSN ID: Porschekid
we'll get these updates tonight.
thanks guys
sign me up for ps3
number 73
tag FJN1530
There are a shit ton of left wingers.
yinzer b, is that for PS3? if so #11 is taken
Kova27, i'll put you down for D, since we're short on those.
i might try to play a game tonight, i'll let someone know
big red dog...that's some serious commitment!
for everyone, remember it would be best to practice on Be A Pro mode if your playing NHL09, since that's how your character will be represented online.
better than that would be to practice on NHL08 with a bunch of people from Team Pensblog and build up some chemistry.
We had 3 guys last night... it would be awesome to get even more tonight.
Count me in for any games...
...just let me know on facebook or whatev.
Yea I dunno if you guys got my stuff from the other post I did the other day or not..but I just wanted to make sure..cuz I'm tryin to get in on this
Brandon Jones
XbL ID - Reservoirdog20
Pos - D
# - 20
brandon, you may want to post that in the Xbox360 comments.
nm brandon, i see that you did post it there...they should be doing an update of the roster soon, check to see you are in there
yeah, it would be awesome if the network code in nhl08 didn't suck so bad.
I think a game of 4v4 of all of us would be great practice. We should work out lines as well. maybe we can work out an hour or two that is good for everybody on certain days for each line?
jaos, as far as lines are concerned, in theory there really aren't any...each game instance only allows for 6 players, C,RW,LW,D,D,G. I think I also read that you only need 3 human players in order to start a team game, we'll have to do maximum of 5 in most games, because other than max power, we don't have anyone that is willing or able to play goal. If people want to break off into their own mini-teams, i guess there's nothing preventing you but we need to figure out a way to be able to throw a bunch of competitive teams out there and not just 1 or 2 stacked ones. We may have to a first come first served kind of thing maybe starting in the facebook group, if everyone joins up. This is the one area that i'm stuck as to trying to figure out what the best solution would be.
i think we should get a few team play games in with the people that seem like they are going to be the most involved with like 10 or 20 minute periods. so once you have a game connected, you really get a chance to play for a long time with the people in that game
Like the guy with the Black Flag tag.
Anyways, I really don't know what position I'd play, I'm used to playing all of them on NHL 08.
I guess I'd rather be a winger, but I'll play defense if need be, can't see myself being a goalie though...
Owen and I call dibs on playing together...
zarley zalapski, we need some info from you. Pos: Jersey #: PSN Gamertag:
juice, i think that's a great idea, if people have the time for that long of a game, i'd say max would be 10 min periods for me, but i know others are in a different situation and will be able to play more often and longer.
I agree with game length.
I'm down with longer games. In fact I'd really prefer that...
My email is:
Any way you want to get a hold of it.
Anyone up for a game?
gg(s) tonight guys
We need to get real teams going in the next week.
I know Owen, Jason, and I would play together.
PS3 Game ID: TJenk6687
Position: Defense
Number: 95
Willing to play forward if needed... responsible defensively
i'd like to play
gamertag: crayz94
position: Defense (or RW)
Number: 94
I definately wanna join the PS3 team my tag in Nate8724 so just someone get me a friend invite and we can work out the rest i got no idea how this is gonna work so help me out
My advice to all you guys is get on the facebook. That's where most stuff is organized.
FACEBOOK! a little gay.
how are the lines going to be made up?
zmijowski...each game is only 6 v 6, so there is only 1 line per game. We can have many concurrent games going on at once. I was hoping people would use the facebook group to get each team together to play. There are some that have already said they will play together, there will be others that will be unatached and ready to join any game...
im in.
name: jim
gamertag: ronnierjjr
number: 24
pos: D
teambasf, is this for PS3?
name: adam
gamertag: spudster105
number and pos: whatever is available/needed
adam i've put you down for D, but as i've explained you can switch your position at any point. If you want your jersey or pos changed just let me know.
PSN Zilla8180
Position "G"
# 81
Me and my cousin want in if there's still room
Gamertag: darst5
Position: defense
gamertag: jmf5515
position: goalie
Number: 55
Correction my cousin joe's gamertage is jferr55
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