First and foremost - get a headset. You can use a bluetooth one if you have one, if not, look on eBay, search the interwebs, you can purchase wired ones pretty cheap. The communication helps immensley in games, and not only that, it's fun to chat with some of you crazy bastards during games. If you don't get a headset, well......

Ok, now for the guts of how to do this.
You must be invited into the group by a GM. You cannot get into a game any other way. Go to online play, then into the EA Sports Hockey League. From there, go into the Dressing Room, and just wait for people there. It's pretty easy actually. Even someone who rides the shortbus could figure it out.
Once a game is launched, you get to pick your position. It's an orgy of violence once you get to the screen where you can pick your position, so it is best to figure out who is playing where in the lobby.
Keep track of your player. After you play so much, you get to add to your attributes. This only makes your player better. If you didn't know that part, you probably were a character in The Goonies

Now the tricky part during game play is to play your actual position and not chase. Here are some links that may or may not help.
Lastly, we're in this for fun. It doesn't matter if we win 3-1, lose 12-1 (and start to do circle drills), job the whole game, whatever. I think we are all in agreement that there will be no pro team or any of that. Play and have fun, hopefully we get better and don't suck, but it's all about fun. Afterall, just like how that 12-1 game was like a funeral, you can't spell funeral without the word "FUN"

Sorry if this was a boring post, I tried to put some stuff in here and there, but this was mainly to get everyone on the same page.
Good shit.
All game Every game we constantly kid that every mistake we make is one more hurdle to the pro team.
I want to the a "pro" NHL 09 player. What's the entry contract for that diarrhea?
From last post:
It's too hard to lay groundwork for what each position is suppose to do.
Wings cover the points when in the D zone.
Center cover high and low slot.
If someone (lets say a winger) goes out of pos. then someone try to cover for him. You can't have everybody stay in their own little area. You won't have any success and you won't lay down some shit softening hits.
It'll be easier to game plan while in game as long as everyone has a headset or at least can hear.
The end.
WOW i wish i had a PS3 you guys actually understand the meaning of teamwork and being fair to people, as well as being friendly and showing the true meaning of the pens blog! good for you guys!
certian people on 360 are fucking dbags
have fun and i may see u on a ps3 one day
actually i think the team is pretty much full, so you probably won't.
when jobbed, job back
nice work on the photoshop dan..
haha fair enough dan, touche!
being fair..please explain?
not u racketts
Well, after being a victim of the 7-0 ass kicking after work, I got my headset so I could hear whats up.
I don't know if it was just me, but it seemed like the lag was much worse with six guys (plus two opponents) than I'd experienced in smaller games.
Bear with me though, this is the closest to organized hockey I've ever played. Been a fan most of my life, but I grew up and still live in KC (yes, we suck and don't deserve an NHL team since we have maybe three rinks in a 75 mile radius).
xbox 360 > ps3
wii > ps3
super nintendo > ps3
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