Thursday, September 18, 2008

PBP and tPB update

here are the current GM's for tPB

Mr Pockets 12
Josh FX
Meats a Hoo

Team Pens Blog Pro

russ muffin

after some great playing last night
PBP record is now 27-7-0
Division 1: Rank 71


bayonetwork said...

im pretty sure i messaged joshfx to send an invite and i sent a friend request to meats a hoo.

but now that the GMs are all good, hopefully i will be on the team soon?


PensUK said...

whats your gamertag mate? i'll inv you tonight or if ive still got the message i'll add you when i get on :)

Aron said...

27-7 impressive for the Pro's. What's the Joe's records?

PensUK said...

last time i checked it was something like 57-54-0 but that was yesterday, i'll check tonight and give you an update :)

Paul said...

Nice repping the blog XB team!