Monday, September 15, 2008

PS3: Team Pensblog Discussion

Our record isn't that good. Our posts are less frequent and our language on said posts are much cleaner. As you can tell i'm not much of a contributor here on the weekends, so sue me (actually don't sue me, that's the opposite of what I want.) What are everyone's thoughts on the season so far? What are things we still need to work on? Should we start taking this more seriously like a certain other Pensblog team that will remain nameless that plays on a different system? Let's be honest we're a team made up of great and not-so-great players and because of this we will always be mediocre in our rankings.

Personally, i'm not too worried about our team record...i'm just trying to have fun (which for me mandates that I win in order to have fun)

How do people feel about their skater grades? Do you think it accurately sums up your play so far...personally i keep flipping between B and B+. Oh don't ask me about my goalie was not fun. I was consistent at least, 4 goals let in per period... I figured i may as well give it a go...and now i know what i shouldn't do anymore. Pittsmo, Kevbo, Polish, Crayz/Jaos..and i had a nice little run going Saturday night...I played D in those games and really enjoyed it, so i may be flipping back and forth between that and C depending who's in the games i play.

Go Team Pensblog


PensUK said...
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adam said...

I still think its kinda early to be taking it as serious as the previously mentioned other team but I have a feeling the longer we go, the lesser players will drop out and lose interest. Its no fun to play a game that you suck at. I am like you Aron, not really looking to be the best team but to have fun and be competitive.

Paul said...

I think we need to play to our postitions a little better.

I usually play D (#79) and a few times we have 3 guys chasing after the puck behind our own net. There is a blue arrow that comes onto the screen every once and awhile that recommends the place you should be in.

We all have mics, but never talk or communicate who is going to take the puck into the offensive zone.

On powerplays or puck containment, we haven't set up too many one-timers or pass more than once or twice. Last night someone (I think Kev) passed to me on point and it was an easy goal right in.

I love the game and I love playing with all of yinz, don't get me wrong, but if you want to take this to a new level ... those are my suggestions.

If you play "Be a pro" mode if really schoosl you on postitioning. I learned a ton on the game mechanics from playing that a few times.

PS: Does anyone know when/if you get attribute increases?

Dan said...

aron - what's your email address? i should have something for you to look at later.

Randy Richter said...

I think we should just keep the team as is. How are the lesser players suppose to improve if they don't get a chance to play with the better players? I have a great time playing with everyone, and if you are a better player you need to try to get everyone involved, and then seize a moment to take over the game to give your team a chance. I consider myself (heavensent, Richter, #93) fairing well considering I haven't played the EA series since 2002... B- rating, 12 points in 11 games, yet my record is only 4-8... is that because of lesser talented players? Maybe, but I know I could have done more. In any event, I still had fun.

My suggestion would be to watch the turnovers, play your position, and SHOOT MORE! I was hardly shooting at all because I like setting guys up... then my last game last night I shot from the wall like 7 times, picking up 2 assists as a result because of rebound goals. And I also agree that playing "Be A Pro" helps out a lot.

As far as the attributes, I have no idea. I check after every game, especially when I have a 2+ point game and we win, yet nothing. After one game I had 3 points available for every category (even goalie) but that has been the only time.

Aron said...


Russ Tundra said...

Yeah, the reason why we made the other team is because no one was taking it semi-seriously. They were not doing anything correctly. It was getting very frustrating.

Dan said...

aron - sent

Dan said...

whatev your reason is fine by us. it's a video game. it's for fun.

Nate8724 said...

Ok here is the deal this is a VIDEO GAME It has no effect sure we suck but you no what even when we get our ases handed to us I still had a blast. NHL is not the first video game I have played online and it drives me up a wall when people get all pissed over losing. Which it seems is not alot of people on PS3. Sure we wanna wi but who care ITS A VIDEO GAME. Now if for whatever reason a video game has an effect on your personal life than you have an excuse to get pissed but really I'm having fun and that is all that matters.

(P.S. Plus atleast the games I was in we haven't really been getting destroyed maybe losing by 1 or 2 so it's not like wer getting destroyed out there.)

Nate8724 said...

good point also SHOOT THE PUCK this is not like 08 or anyother game passing isn't so easy you can't throw a backhand passs tape to tape and unlike last year rebound goals are the way to go shoot it one guy goes to net and it just happens.

Aron said...

russ...your frustration is completely should have been expected though, since the only semi-qualification to get on a team was you had to see it on the Pensblog. We have high school kids & married men and everything in between....also there are personality and style differences to take into account. Having said that, no one is bound to play on a team that they can't stand being a part of but you have to expect some jobbing about the level of seriousness from the PS3'ers.

Poker Guru said...

So far, I think it's good the way it is. I kept trying the different controller set-ups ("classic" was easier to shoot, but doesn't allow as many defensive moves). I know I am just coming to the point where I know how to control things, as such, my defensive skills have gone up dramatically. I always get some good poke checks in, but I think the wingers (usually LW for me) need, on defense, to hang out near the slot and pick off passes/block shots. Seems like other teams just load up down the slot.

The games I've played with players running all over the place led to a ton of goals against from right in the slot. Like I said, I was at fault as well, but I feel I have the hang of it now (my stats show something like I force 10 turnovers per game).

I guess what I'm saying is, I'd leave things as is for now. Everyone is still learning the game, and as others have said, in a couple weeks, the lesser/less serious people will go away on their own. I have a horrible +/-, but it's taken a week of trying different setups to really get comfortable.

BY THE WAY - I'd love a hybrid of several control settings - there is a "custom" option which would be PREFECT, but freaking EA screwed it up and you can't change the defaults - argh. Once they patch that, it should be the way to go.

The control I hate most is that shooting the puck is the same as cross-checking someone - when you're fighting for a puck near the goalie for an easy shot, that can REALLY screw you!

Aron said...

the classic, offensive interference penalty in front of the net while trying to get a rebound shot...o how i loathe thee.

wildthing202 said...

I got the game today so I just be able to join you guys tonight.

Aron said...

that explains why i couldn't invite you earlier!

TJenk6687 said...

Apologies to Cougar300... tried to get one last game in before kickoff... Power goes out till 3AM. My first disconnect/DNF on 09.

Big Red Dog said...

I think we need a little more organized times to get together. Unless I'm just not aware of them. It seems like lately I just wait in the locker room and one or possibly two people will show up and start a game but I normally just cancel out because I would rather get 4-6 people together for a game. I've been mainly getting offline and 1v1 games going.

Aron said...

big red...that's been thing you can do is post a time you are available to play and it will help other that check this site to know. FYI, i should be on from 6:15 - 7 ish...hopefully we can get a few games together.

Anonymous said...

I think things are going alright. Our record isn't the best but I think everyone is still having some fun.

Maybe if we defined roles for the positions, like C will always crash the net and LW will set up in the slot.. whatever they are but they stay standard so we always know what position is going to do what. May need to change in the future to avoid becoming predictable, but could be a start.

I try and play my position but I am sure that I would be able to do a better job if I knew what the rest of the team wanted me to do. Maybe you guys feel the same, maybe not.

wildthing202 said...

I just made my guy so you can invite me at anytime.

eze3484 said...

i had fun playing with some guys last night. I also am not a big fan of the cross check penalty when trying to get a rebound.

i noticed that all of the forwards could do a better job staying home on defense instead of trying to breakout so quickly, Im also guilty of this.

Hope to see some of you guys on there tonight. I'm getting a headset soon

TheFandangler said...

It's too hard to lay groundwork for what each position is suppose to do.

Wings cover the points when in the D zone.

Center cover high and low slot.

If someone (lets say a winger) goes out of pos. then someone try to cover for him. You can't have everybody stay in their own little area. You won't have any success and you won't lay down some shit softening hits.

It'll be easier to game plan while in game as long as everyone has a headset or at least can hear.

The end.

Poker Guru said...

my power held up til right b4 halftime - i feel your pain...

Paul said...

I don't think we need to take it any more serious than it already is.

I think its all about positions ... bottom line. Plus, shooting more will help obviously.

If we start getting all crazy about this, it will not be fun at all. I think the original intention of this post was to get the general feel on why we don't have a better record and everyone had good ideas, but to get mad at people for sucking isn't the way to steer this ship.

I am hoping to play a little more tonight, and I hope to see you there. I will lock down the D and punish the kitchen worst than Gordon Ramsay.

~ #79

Unknown said...

hey i havent played much lately. ive played with a few of you and always had fun.
What time does everyone usually play. i get on sometimes and see a bunch of you on and in game, how do i get into the game? do i just sit in the dressing room and wait for your game to finish?

well ill usually be on around 7 or so, and then again around 12 or 1.

hope to see you guys around.

Aron said...

jonathan...yeah you just have to wait it can message one of the guys and ask what period their in and what not.