Tuesday, September 9, 2008

NHL 09 Epic Fail Tuesday

Since we all Failed to get our hands on the game. I have put some videos of other people failing to brighting up our day.

Pittsburgh Legend FailsBlog

Foreign FailsBlog

Epic ShitsBlog

Do Works Blog!

Do you ever wonder whatever happened to this guy?

Didn't think so.


TheFandangler said...

Wooo Mighty Ducks...

I need some friggin' 09'...

Dan said...

i see best buy is starting to have this in stock......

Unknown said...

you do? all i see it unavailable

penzrule said...

I finally got mine today at Best Buy.

Aron said...

yeah my best buy is backordered...serenity now!

Paul said...

I will be getting it in an hour. Is there a way to re-post the most up to date roster so I can add away. I know a few people (myself) joined after the last chart was posted.

Russ Tundra said...

Here it is Paul.
