The roster i was working with, apparently was missing a lot of people that still have no idea this blog exists. If you see any information that is incorrect, please point it out (ie Jersey #) The roster has been given an overhaul...and as you'll see we have 35 spots locked in. 15 spots open, and so far 21 players to fill those 15 spots. I just got GM privilages last night, so i'll be sending invites to those 21 players...first 15 to respond make the's that simple.
I will definitely be posting stats as soon as i find them for everyone....
EDIT: Record 25-33 Division 1 Rank 36
Warning: This is not NHL 09
(WOW take a moment and thank God for what you have waiting for you at home)

As i'm sure you can all attest to, the games are insanely fun...if anyone has any complaints/constructive criticisms and heck why not even some them in the comments. I look forward to getting in some more games with all of you in the next few days.
To the roster:
On the team
#,Pensblog Name,Pos,PS3 Gamertag,Created Player
0,Chris,RW,thejoker710,Jay Wong
5,xd9,D,XD_9,Caleb Wagner
8,ck3,D,CBear3,Chuck Kleinhagen
9,Mike,G,mikemojo69,Michael Modzelewski
10,pens_mini66,D,ZJedi945,Zach Tyke
11,AJ,RW,ajn24,Alex Nemeth
12,Aron,C,avad,Aron Vad
16,Derek,RW,arkham1212,Derek Rocco
17,Joe,LW,umphrey1012,Joe Chin
20,Jaos,D,jaos,Jason Woodward
21,Dfw03,LW,DonMadden03,Don Walker
21,,,deuce5189,Rick Miller
22,devilwoacause22,C,devilwoacause22,Brian Yeskey
23,ryan "cisco" franciscus,D,cisco729,Ryan Franciscus
26,jonathan,LW,jonarm5,Jon Armstrong
28,nate8724,C,nate8724,Nathan Keane
29,cdubbs29,D,cdubbs029,Ethan Spada
33,owen,LW,blackatom,Owen Jones
51,,D,BUCKETCorey,Corey Clayton
67,Thefandangler,LW,kevbo67,Kevin Braun
71,msav71,LW,MSav71,Matt Savolskis
75,smo,C,pittsmo,Alan Smodic
77,Dan,D,HankScorpio77,Dan Komenda
78,Tom,LW,BlackFlag77,Tom Letterman
79,paul,D,Samsara,Paul Clemente
80,big red dog,C,Porschekid,Clifford Laschon
85,,D,PensCupChamps,Jim Kolovos
87,,C,BigBaadaBoom,Bob Burton
90,Zmijowski77,RW,PolishSteel77,Marc Zmijowski
92,,,rockin22,Matt Rydberg
94,eric,D,crayz94,Eric Rydberg
95,tjenk6687,D,TJenk6687,Todd Jenkins
,,,andrewhoward13,Andrew Howard
,,,myyrdin,Andy Harrell
,,,zilla8180,Bob Catalano
Not on the team yet, but have asked
#,Pensblog Name,Pos,PS3 Gamertag,Created Player
1,poker guru,LW,cougar300,John Maleckar
4,wildthing202,RW,wildthing202,Chris Menn
13,Inept13astard,D,Inept13astard,Jimmy McGuire
14,Max Power,G,max14,
15,Adam.Bertram,D,spudster105,Adam Bertram
18,CJ Altman,D,speedster18,C.J. Altman
19,drein2,D,darst5,David Reinhart
27,,RW,sixpack2777,Paul Rydberg
41,Justin W,RW,wardle,Justin Wardle
43,,RW,RobTheSlob,Rob Jablonowski
44,jagr686610,LW,jagr686610,Jeff Milano
55,nicholas,C,snoboardhero,Nicholas Kosanovich
56,,G,Jferr55,Joe Ferraro
73,Michael,D,FJN1530,Michael Basista
81,bgrec40s,C,Yinzer4Life,B. Greco
93,randall,LW,heavensent,Randy Richter
,zarley zalapski…,D,HoagieMan77,
Games yesterday were fun as hell. I would say if you don't have a headset to get one. I don't think I was able to successfully participate in a 6-man game so I'm not sure how the human goalies are doing.
Biggest problem I have seen is winning faceoffs. Seems like some people have the trick down and if you don't you're winning very few faceoffs. I'm not sure if this also has to do with latency.
I would say in the long run we want to only have Centers that have faceoffs down. It's hard to win games when the other team controls the puck off of the faceoff 99% of the time.
When do you think those 19 invites will be going out?
i'd say 6:20 ET, unless someone else beats me to it.
big for faceoffs, i'm not great but i won 17 and lost 16 in my i guess that's decent enough..i will definitely keep working on the timing of it though. If someone is losing 60-70% of faceoffs, i agree they should switch positions if it doesn't improve.
you mentioned saying if the # or name is incorrect - please change mine to:
cougar300 - #1 - John Maleckar - LW
Hope to see you on the ice tonight!
i had fun in the two games i played last night. Very tight games, but we pulled them out.
can't wait to do it again.
I played 4 games last night (we split) with one full 6 player. Mike was solid between the pipes. The games have been tremendous and I haven't had an 08 freeze yet. See you in the room tonight.
Think I played with PensCupChamps and HankScorpio77 last night after work. They were great forwards, and I pretty much just took up space on D
Had to jet afterwards because my wife was pissed I was making her late for our dinner reservation, but a W is worth it.
If you guys have any tips let me know...
Is there an easy way to add people to friends list from in the game or over the web like you can on xbox?
ah ck that was u i played with. i sucked my first game, much better the second. i won a ton of faceoffs. it plays different than the normal game, it takes some time to adjust. if you don't have a headset i recommend looking on ebay for one where they are probably cheap. it is worth the money to get one, wired or not.
Yeah, I'm definitely going to have to grab a headset...that way I can try to learn a little bit.
if you need a bluetooth, bestbuy has one for $20. all you need is a regular phone bluetooth
I think I found a way to build your guy without trying too hard.
IF the atributes on the BE A PRO translate to the online club game, you can just simulate a whole season and your XP just keeps piling up.
If they don't transfer ... well I suck.
Mike is a beast in the pipes. I played with Kevin most of the night, and Todd (Tjenk).
We lost a bunch of really close games, plus I fought one guy 3 times going 2-1.
I got stuck in goal for one game and was a little nervous but it wasn't too bad. That is until my connection crapped out and I got dropped. I only hope the game threw in a comp goalie for me or uh oh.
Also, please change my (umphrey1012) Character Created name to Joe Chin (the smallest guy out there).
19 Drein2, D, darst5, David Reinhart
56 ---, G, Jferr55, Joe Ferraro
yea man tons of fun got a two goal game last night scored the game tying goal on a one timer (first career goal) then in OT i took a shot from blue line the goalie saved it and he passed it out to his team mate who proceeds to put it right into his own net for my second goal of the night
I think Mark has a remarkable A- in goal ...
yea faceoffs are key try to time it right ass the ref begins to originally move his arm ad you should get it as far as goalies they are not bad I was in a few and we lost connection because i dont thin kthe servers are up to speed just yet the other team scores alot easier when we got a human in net but then again the people who were goalies aren't on the roster to be a goalie's my understanding that the ratings do not carry over from offline to online. The players progress separately online and offline..which is a good thing in my opinion
Also i'm updating the roster for those of you that had corrections.
actually the gameday post isn't a bad thing, it's just not everyone is in. i think there is a way to post the website on the game. take for instance, i was supposed to play at 630 but couldn't because i wasn't in the group yet. we get all the kinks ironed out, we're money in the bank.
aron, i could've swore i read differently about that. won't be on today, i'll be destroying my liver for my silver anniversary
Key to scoring...or at least from what I have found.
If you're right handed, skate to the top of the circles coming down your off wing (Left side if you're right handed opposite if you're lefty). cut into the slot and shoot back to the corner. It'll be the left corner if you're coming down the left. When you cut to the right or left and shoot back it seems to work a lot.
Deking is essentially a joke. Besides one clutch shorthanded breakaway goal I had... it's not something to always try.
One Timers work well! if the person that is shooting aims their shot well.
Most of you probably knew this stuff but it's a little food for thought from what I've found. This is harder than NHL 08, there's no way around it. We have to continue to adapt and get better as a team.
(Aron: I was involved in a handful of 3 man games last night...Even some 2 man games.)
i'm pretty sure they are kept separate, but if anyone finds this to be different let us know.
i think that the 2 or 3 man games are hurting our ranking...or maybe just not helping it..i'm not sure EA hasn't and probably won't release the ranking formula...but they've said many times that the more people play on the team in a game the more points its or we should keep that in mind if our quest is to win the cup.
I noticed some people had an image of their face next to their name and some had a black silhouette. Is this something you need to earn playing online?
yeah, of all the games I've played we did a lot better with 4 or more people.
One thing I keep noticing is people swarming the puck rather than playing their position. If you have little hockey knowledge, please google for some basic hockey sites like:
Faceoffs are key, I was in a game were we had no faceoff wins and outshot like 6 to 40. We need to only have centers who are comfortable with the faceoff. And then we need to setup the forecheck rather than rushing the net and shooting as soon as possible. I have been trying to play an honest defense and I have noticed a lot of wingers and centers rushing the slot rather than playing the boards and the high slot. Those with headsets need to talk more to let each other know where we are, what we see, etc. Also, please watch the cross ice passes.
Overall I am having a blast. NHL09 is an amazing game and this online EASHL is such a great idea.
You're right. Positioning and hockey sense are key. Make a good breakout pass and then set it up on offense. You, Polish, and I did fairly well yesterday with the 3 man game.
I feel dumb talking like a video game is real hockey but it's funny because you have to understand how the game is played to be successful at 09'.
Yeah, I'd be interested in how to get a picture on my in-game profile as well.
As to the positions, I notice that people are running around a lot as well. I am starting to get better at realizing right away when a teammate is already heading to a spot. I think it will come with practice. That's a good question. Can we actually 'practice'? Or can we only do games as a team?
Also, some people will be better (stats wise) at certain things then others. I have raised my deflections with my points, so presumably I should stand near the front of the net. I guess we should try and communicate this in the game.
the picture thing...i'll let those that have one confirm it, but i believe you have to go to and set up an ea profile...make sure to use the same email address at your PSN account, and through some wizardry you can link up those two accounts...i haven't been able to figure out just how yet, but i think i'm on the right track.
forgot to mention about my game last night...i almost gave away the victory by not dumping the puck deep with about 20 seconds left...two guys double teamed me, lifted my stick and off to the races they went....i felt like a complete arse...and i was relieved when they couldn't put it away on a 2 on 0 break. Try not to do stupid things like that...i promise i won't anymore either.
Also the other team got 4 or 5 offensive zone penalties...which is dumb, and probably the difference in our 3-2 win.
Also X2 don't stand directly in front of the net on offense (this was me again)...shots will just ricochet off you and keep them from being on net...try to stand right on the post if you decide to park there on the PP.
Fandangler, yeah, that was a good game. The game I played before with Owen and cbubbs was great as well. I had the d covered and they played really great in front. The only real observation is they knew the basics of hockey and tried not to get out of position.
i actually wrote out a basics of hockey post on paper one day for this blog...but never found the right time to use it...maybe this is the time!
And since I wrote it, it's gotta be good right? if anyone wants to review it in case i decide to post...let me know. leave an email or something
aron... bring it, dont sing it!
As for the issue... I finally went to I had previously setup an account through other ea games and then I signed in with that one. I then went to the site and I was now under my other ea account. The way I knew I had two accounts is I searched for my name on the site and found two "Jaos" players.
but were you able to connect the ea to the PSN account?...this is the key i think.
anyone going to be on at 6:30? If the plans stick, i think i'll be able to do a few games...maybe some more later, much later in the night.
the ea account was already tied to the psn account. So I had created an extra account on instead of using the existing one.
headsets are the key. i was center, went to pass to an open guy last night, who dropped back instead of keeping going, he thought he was gonna be offsides. i ended up being off sides because of it.
i might be too late. but #93 randy richter reporting for duty in the retarded army sir (demitri martin, anyone?). 15 of those 21 might have already responded, i don't know, too lazy to count.
is the person i create for be a pro and the person i create for my online player the same person? or do i create two separate players (i haven't even been online yet). also, how stupid is it that you can't edit your players information once you create him? not even my number or position... because nobody can win a faceoff for wbs so i was going to change to center but they won't let me so now i have to start out my shift on the back pedal everytime...
sorry I've been staying with my dad this week and he has no Internet but I can play tonight and this weekend
i'll try to pick up a bluetooth earpiece on my way home today...setting it up will be another issue.
randall..demetri martin is awesome...also you already have an invite from zjedi you just need to accept when you get on and you should be in with no problems.
for you non-centers...when it gets time to pick your in game positions...does it automatically start on your default position? For me it's always on C, i was wondering if that's because it's my chosen pos.
no it doesn't, it's whoever picks first plays that position.
ea is down :(
Nate and I earlier started a was 2v2. We were up 4-0 in the first (1g1a for me, 3a for him)...then the team quit. no credit given. first goal!
it would be a big time FAIL if they don't fix this soon.
GD servers! argh!
Should be good now. I was working on linking my account but it's still a gay.
For the guys that I've played with:
...Do you guys have any problems with me playing center? Most games I win a lot and very rarely do I not have the upper hand in face-offs. I play my position as best as possible and that includes keeping tabs on the d and getting back if one rushes up.
Critiques are fine.
I don't see an invite (although I don't know where to look) - are they out yet?
Are you still going to put out invites?
Are you guys doing it tonight? I'm on and trying to get in...I'm in the team's clubhouse, but need invite. psname = cougar300
Invite sent.
psn= snoboardhero
same for you sno.
thanks much, when we playing?
Whenever you'd like to. I usually play at night until like 3am or so.
You'll see a lot of people getting on after 8.
Ok sweet. I am more than a little addicted to this game right now..
We all are...
...The next group we create will have to be for NHL 09' Addicts.
Hi, I'm Kevin...and I'm an addict.
got it - thanks!
im online and trying to join the team but have no clue how. Do I wait on an invite or is there somewhere to sign up?
inept... i invited you...
thanx. so where do i go to wait for a game to start?
sorry guys, i'm sharpening pencils at my wife's school, i'll be on later tonight for a long time (she owes me) anyway thanks kev for hooking these guys up.
It's what I do my man. Sorry I didn't add you as a GM. I didn't even see my Facebook message.
Go to the dressing room. Whenever there are teammates in there it will connect to another waiting team. If you have a mic you can talk to other dudes in the room with ya.
What's up guys. First off great playing with all of you...I'm having such a blast whenever I can get around to playing. A little difficult with a wife and you gotta know how to balance your time wisely.
For any of you guys that don't know, you're able to change your view of the ice while playing so don't think you have to stay on the "Be a Pro" default view that they give you. It took me a little while to figure that out.
9,Mike,G,mikemojo69,Michael Modzelewski is awesome in goal!
hahaa i am not going to be until we get over. 500
derek, why didn't you stick around for the game?
36, ..., LW, LesArtistes, Kyle Marino
Thanks for the tip on the camera... didn't realize you could change it. Hated not being able to see all of the ice.
damn, I hope we never turn into the 360 team.
Can I still get on the roster?
trevorfarwell - #41 - Tim Kelly - RW
a good indication that were all leagues smarter than the 360 team is that we in fact use ps3s and not 360s.
tpb ps3 ftw
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