Tuesday, September 2, 2008

XBOX360 Roster Update

-Current Roster: 9/2 @10pm-

**If you are missing any information.. please post it in the comments section so that we can finalize this roster..

**BE SURE TO PUT YOUR GAMERTAG... AND THEN... the information we need from you.. that way we know what stuff goes where.. thanks

**We are currently hovering around 50 members so be sure to get your info in so you'll definitely have a roster spot.

**And if you have multiple positions selected.. please choose one position that you most want to play... (FYI: WE have a few people who are willing to play goalie - but if you have some talent in net AND ARE SERIOUS ABOUT IT.. feel free to volunteer to make that your primary position and let us know!)

**Finally, as we are not COMPLETELY sure how this league is going to work in terms of rosters (enter them once at the beginning and forget about it.. or update as much as needed, etc)
so we are starting a reserve roster for those that may not either have a gamertag yet, might not be able to play too often now or whatever other various reason.

**And as we've said before.. over this next week until 09 comes out.. theres almost always a few of us online looking to get a game going.. be it 1v1 or online team play. So start adding those gamertags and join in the action.



darthrunt said...

Domenic DiSanti

Jeffry said...

if it matters at all my cblog name is jeffry. I don't really post anymore though since there's always 10000 comments on there

Kyle K. said...
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Kyle K. said...

its all good.. were just trying to keep a quality list of everyone so if people want to come back on to the blog and talk about a game or something.. we will atleast know who were talking with and such..

what's your gamertag? so we know which cblog name were putting it with..

J-Dub said...

hey ill be just a center the right wing was just incase a lot of people had choosen it. Ill be glad to crash the net everygame!

bayonetwork said...

if you want me to be real specific RW but i mean forward works just fine.

and if you need me to ill be D but prefer forward

SpartanBH said...

Yo, I'll take #75. Brandon Hast-SpartanBH

Anonymous said...

YOU need to thave the underscores for mine

PLUS I'm 69, haha

bayonetwork said...

so are there gonna be like try outs and stuff as soon as the game comes out?

im gonna need a few days to get the game and warm up.

Anonymous said...

number 10

PensUK said...

i'll play left wing and also if any1 is playin team play this week then add me n invite, my GT is JoshFX
Nice one!!

PensUK said...

oh and also if you need me to play D then thats fine :)

Jeffry said...

My bad my gamertag is drpaindds

Jeffry said...

I have no problem going center or right wing if there's more need there

SpartanBH said...

Yo I got another friend that said he'll sign up...probably on reserves for now though.

Chris Pettit, #80, Left Wing, Renegade 80

Horizon03 said...

to fill out the rest of my info

GT: Horizon03
Last name: Dubois

Silky Smooth said...

My name on the game will be Adam Banks. I would be best suited at center but could play anywhere we're needed (including net if we have sucky goalies)

Anthony said...
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Anthony said...
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gless16 said...

gamertag: gless16


Jeffry said...

is there a contact I should add other than cjr1688 since it says his friends list is full

Anonymous said...

sexymexyjeffy 14 jeff hernandez

gamertag nomorestalker

C but am a pretty adequate goalie.

the brian bixler experiment said...

gamertag - hockeyjohn27

To fill in the rest of the info -

Name - John Twaddle

Number - 5

the brian bixler experiment said...

And I'll be RW

Kyle K. said...

@ Jeffry

feel free to add myself 'dmbforum40' or 'Russ Muffin'.. were usually on fairly often.. and then you can just add everyone else from there after playing with them or whatever..

@ sexymexyjeffy

14 is taken already.. any other preference?

Kyle K. said...

and thanks for the understanding and making sure to get us this info guys! appreciate it..
keep it comin..

Meat said...

I'm on right now if anyone's tryin to meet for a game.

Gamertag: Meats A Hoo

With the spaces, forgot to add that earlier when saying my 360 tag.

Anonymous said...

hey im listed As left wing or center so i'll take center for sure an u can just drop me outta left winger

mdavis581 said...

mark davis
pens blog: mdavis581
and i will be changing my xbox live to : mdavis581

Zach Boslett said...

i guess i'll commit to LW. i can play anything except goalie. i'm very flexible

Silky Smooth said...

Hey i'll let jeffy take 14 cause being Adam Banks and all, 99 would be the right choice. Put 14 to good use!

Kyle K. said...

word... good lookin out for the team.. CAKE EATER..

LostAdvenger said...

Name: Tim Karl
Cblog: LostAdvenger
#34 Pos: G/D
Gametag: LostDefender2

Kyle K. said...

@ Tim

so are you good now? you'll have xboxlive and such at your disposal?

Silky Smooth said...

haha good shit

Silky Smooth said...

Also I'm definitely up for some NHL 08 online tomorrow night if anyone else wants to... let me know

rbord182 said...

gamer tag: CaptBLOODY

Randall Ord



darthrunt said...

Hey I like to play right wing if posible and Banks your mine tommorow

J-Dub said...

hey i dont think anyone can be number 99, i think the game has it retired

Bacon077 said...

i'll take right wing if that will help resolve any confusion

Anonymous said...

hey, spanks for changing it.
I didn't want anyone not knowing my real SN.
BTW, I don't have the internet on my 360. The asshole who used to live here didn't pay his bill and i have to wait until he does until they give it to me.
FN Oakland

Anonymous said...

OH yeah, they need to have retired jerseys stay retired. It bugs me when the pens have someone be 21.

And shouldn't the NHL retire 66, no one can wear it anyway...

mdavis581 said...

my position can be either RW or C, RW would be my preferred, put RW unless we need centers more

Silky Smooth said...

I know 99 was available in 08 but I don't know about the new game.

wilsmith said...

is it just me or is the roster not showing up for other people?

Nate8724 said...

I definately wanna join the PS3 team my tag in Nate8724 so just someone get me a friend invite and we can work out the rest i got no idea how this is gonna work so help me out

Unknown said...

Caleb Kilgore, #31, WING, gamertag: skyline2413

Pittsburghler said...

EMAIL: johnwgold@gmail.com

Pittsburghler said...



Anonymous said...

To Finish My Info

Name: John Hauber
Gamertag: Clydefrog51
Number: 28
Position: C

Bill said...

Cblogname: lilbballer38

Name: Bill Helmick

Number: 3

Postion: Forward