Monday, September 1, 2008

labor day stuff

hope everyone has a safe and happy labor day.

online team play tonight. if you are interested
comment with what time you will be on.

go pens.


Kyle K. said...

should be home from work around 130a tonight.. if anyone's still online and down for a game i will be there..


Christian said...

yea i should be on

Justin W said...

ps3 or xbox? cause i could be on tonight on ps3 if ya wanna play. after the socom beta got pushed to friday i got plenty of time haha.

Kyle K. said...

360.. but try and get some of the ps3 cbloggers to jump on and play some.. practice up kids.. ha

PensUK said...

im confused, isnt it out on the 360 on the 11th?

Kyle K. said...

yes, were just playing team games on nhl08 just to get used to eachothers style and get some chemistry going..

TheFandangler said...

I'm down for ps3...

Gotta get some dudes together...

PensUK said...

im up for some games on the 360 my GT is JoshFX so just add me n invite whenever your doing =]

MSav71 said...

I can play on PS3 right now if anyone's interested. My ID is MSav71.


wilsmith said...

since you're missing info:

9,wilsmith, C/D, aw krmst

TheFandangler said...


Add me up on ps3... i requested you.

Christian said...

both games are released on the 9th..ea website states 11th but most retailers (game stop and EB) come out the 9th

MSav71 said...

I'm havin trouble connecting to the network right now, fandangler. I just moved into a new place and I can't seem to figure this out, but I'm gonna keep trying.

Kyle K. said...

thanks wilsmith.. appreciate the update!

the brian bixler experiment said...

since you need info,

Ill play RW -