We all know that women don't play video games.
OK. Well maybe they do.
Remind me to get their gamers tags so they can Stick Lift me while I have the puck.
Ohh man. That was sexist.
Well, to make it up woman Pens fans. Here are some men I'm sure you wouldn't mind getting poke checked from behind.
On NHL 09 of course...
OK. Enough of the Hustler talk and let's get down to business.
If you haven't already, add these XBL Gamertags to your friends list.
dmbforum40, Russ Muffin, and cjr1688
These gamers are going to vital have on your list. We will be the only way you will be able to get on the team in the 360 side. I (Russ Muffin) will be playing NHL 08 tonight. So hit me up with those requests so we can play some team games together.
If my grammar didn't leave you with a bad taste in your mouth maybe this photo will.
cannot at cjr1688 their friends list is full
k ill delete ppl
im popularblog
so were gonna have try outs for this team?
I will be willing to play golie if we need anymore
Wow red ring of death fucked me over for at least two weeks. So don't expect to see Banks lighting the lamp until mid September.
Pissed out my mind
ouch silky... VERY unfortunate..
the rrod came into my life last year it was NOT a fun time to say the least.
good luck to you sir.. we are all hoping for the best in this time of need..
well i added frankiep i think. the forum guy right?
but im gonna have to delete a few people before i add more.
so expect adds sometime this weekend.
Is there still time to get onto the roster or reserve roster? I am willing to try out and play any position needed.
for sure rob.. we could always use a few more just in case people drop out and such..
what's all your info?
full name:
preferred position:
xbl gamertag:
why the hell cant i play a game with any of you every time i get an invite it just says that a team left and the game is cancelled. whats going on?
Awesome, I'm pumped for this game! My info is:
Number: #4
Full Name: Rob Petersen
Position: G/D/F (any)
Gamer tag: rjpucla
not exactly sure why.. were guessing its the EA servers that are shitting the bed with the new game about to come out..
Number: #23
Full Name: Kory Lingenfelter
Position: F
Gamer tag: knutsen23
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